Announcements for July 18

Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of the church members who volunteer their time and talents and in memory of Arvid Carlson, by Lynn and Tim Martin.

Vacation Bible School begins July 26, beginning at 6:30 each of four evenings. There will be activity centers, snacks, games, crafts, story times, and music. This is a good time to get your children or grandchildren involved. If you want to volunteer to help in any of these activities, please contact Jan Samson. Also, please sign up for VBS by providing children’s names, ages and parent contact information to Jan Samson via email ( or text (803-920-5755).

It’s not too soon to start thinking about going back to school. Our Noisy Offering this month will go for the purchase of school supplies for grade school children to be distributed through Sharing God’s Love. Or, should you be so inclined, you may shop for these items and we will get them to Sharing God’s Love. Thank you for your generosity.

Volunteers are needed to clean the church in coming months and to provide flowers.

Quote of the Week

Yesterday is past; tomorrow may never come; we have only today — but we have God with us today.

Serving this week:

Serving on July 18

Worship Leader

Rev. John C. Derrick


Mr. Donald Alcorn


Lynn Martin

Altar Guild

Nancy Bradshaw

Church Cleaning

Jan Samson


Doug Truax, Jimmy Snyder

Children's Church

Hedda and John-Mark Bell


Barbara Hiller

Communion Assistant

Tim Bradshaw

Serving next week:

Serving on July 25

Worship Leader

Rev. John C. Derrick


Mr. Donald Alcorn


Jeannie Dailey

Altar Guild

Bonita Chapman

Church Cleaning

Jan Samson


Doug Truax, Jimmy Snyder

Children's Church

Denise and Howard Henry


Judy Hrinda

Communion Assistant

Tim Bradshaw

Daily readings for this week:

Weekday Readings 


1 Corinthians 5:6b-8


Revelation 12:1-12


Luke 24:1-12


Acts 5:12-16


Acts 5:17-26


Luke 24:36-40

Readings for next Sunday:

Next Sunday's Readings

Exodus 24:12-18

Psalm 2

2 Peter 1:16-21

Matthew 17:1-9