Announcements for July 25

Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of Jeanie Dailey’s number 2 son celebrating his 36th birthday.

Vacation Bible School begins tomorrow, Monday, July 26, at 6:30 for four evenings. There will be activity centers, snacks, games, crafts, story times, and music for elementary-aged and pre-school children. This is a good time to get your children or grandchildren involved. Let Jan know if your children will be participating for a number for supplies, etc. There will be a hot dog supper on Thursday to close VBS. Please bring drinks or desserts.

If you missed out on last Sunday’s Noisy Offering, you can still participate by designating your contribution of money by so designating to the school supply. Should you desire, you can also bring your school supplies to church and we can get it to Sharing God’s Love.

If you have cookbooks you are not using and want to contribute them to Recovery Chapel, please give them to Pastor John.

Quote of the Week

King Saul thought Goliath was too big to fight — David though he was too big to miss.

Serving this week:

Serving on July 25

Worship Leader

Rev. John C. Derrick


Mr. Donald Alcorn


Jeannie Dailey

Altar Guild

Bonita Chapman

Church Cleaning

Jan Samson


Doug Truax, Jimmy Snyder

Children's Church

Denise and Howard Henry


Judy Hrinda

Communion Assistant

Tim Bradshaw

Serving next week:

Serving on August 1

Worship Leader

Rev. John C. Derrick


Mr. Donald Alcorn


Kathy Lindler

Altar Guild

Jan Samson

Church Cleaning

Steve Kesler


Steve Kesler, John-Mark Bell

Children's Church

Denise and Howard Henry


Steve Kesler

Communion Assistant

Tim Bradshaw

Daily readings for this week:

Weekday Readings 


1 Corinthians 5:6b-8


Revelation 12:1-12


Luke 24:1-12


Acts 5:12-16


Acts 5:17-26


Luke 24:36-40

Readings for next Sunday:

Next Sunday's Readings

Exodus 24:12-18

Psalm 2

2 Peter 1:16-21

Matthew 17:1-9