Announcements for April 24

Welcome to St. John’s Lutheran Church!

Altar flowers are given to the glory of God by Jeannie and Colin Dailey.

We thank Howard Henry for leading our worship service this morning.

Please pray for all of those on our prayer list. Our prayers are heard by the Master Healer and He brings peace, healing and consolation to all those who need His presence. While we all need prayer, if there are those on our prayer list that can be removed, please let Jan Samson know.

We need volunteers for Altar Guild, Lector, and Communion Assistants. These are important tasks that help complete our service. If you are interested, please talk to Jan Samson.

The flower chart has several openings over the next months. If you prefer, you may make a donation to the charity of your choice and notify the church office of your dedication.

Quote of the Week

He is risen!

Serving this week

Serving on April 24

Worship Leader

Howard Henry


Don Alcorn


Jeannie Dailey

Altar Guild (white paraments)

Jan Samson

Church Cleaning

Denise Henry


John-Mark Bell, Jeff Bradshaw

Children's Church

John-Mark and Hedda Bell


Howard Henry

Communion Assistant

No communion

Serving next week

Serving on May 1

Worship Leader

Rev Jim Glander


Joan Marco


Steve Kesler

Altar Guild (white paraments)

Bonita Chapman

Church Cleaning

Jan Samson


George Eleazer, Doug Truax

Children's Church

Denise and Howard Henry


Jimmy Snyder

Communion Assistant

Jimmy Snyder