We Welcome All
Worship Together - Witness by Serving

~ New Worship Time at 11am ~

Break-fast and Bible Study at 9:30am before worship

We offer worship in the sanctuary as well as online via Facebook live.

If you don't have a church home, come visit!


Rev. Michele Fischer

Pastor Michele Fischer

Announcements for July 18

The flowers today are dedicated to the glory of God and in thanksgiving to my parents for the love of music, by Julia Richardson Parker.

The Noisy Offering collected today will be donated to Sharing God’s Love for school supplies.

Beginning on July 28, at 10:00 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall, Dr. Russell Kleckley will lead a review of the ELCA social statement on Human Sexuality, adopted by the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. The statement expresses ELCA teaching on human sexuality and is grounded in the biblical witness to the relationship God establishes with creation as a model for relationships between human beings. Please join us!

The rollaway cart for cans has been emptied, so there’s plenty of room for all your cans: aluminum, steel or tin! We will take them and recycle them for cash for St. John’s Youth. Please remove ALL paper labels from your items before recycling and dump cans from plastic bags.

Next Sunday's Readings

Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15

Psalm 78:23-29

Ephesians 4:1-16

John 6:24-35

Serving on July 28

10th Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Leader

Pastor Michele Fischer


Don Alcorn

Altar Guild (green)

Nancy Bradshaw


Jimmy Snyder

Communion Assistant

Jimmy Snyder


Jimmy Snyder and John-Mark Bell

Church Cleaning

Judy Hrinda

Serving on August 4

11th Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Leader

Pastor Michele Fischer


Don Alcorn


Ann Carlson

Altar Guild (green)

Jan Samson


John-Mark Bell

Communion Assistant

John-Mark Bell


Howard Henry and Charles Eleazer

Church Cleaning

Jim and Bonnie Stevens

What's Happening at St. John's

Sunday, July 28

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

  9:30 am

Break Fast

10:00 am

Bible Study

11:00 am

Worship Service w/ Noisy Offering

Wednesday, July 31

10:30 am

Bible Study TBD

Sunday, August 4

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

9:30 am

Break Fast

10:00 am

Bible Study

11:00 am

Worship Service 

Prayer List

In Our Prayers

Richard Ayer (father of a friend of Glenn Lindler)
Joy Bodnar (sister of Anita Kesler)
Michelle Boland (Daughter of Ray and Marcelle Boland and Friend of Amanda Matthews)
Ernestine Bouknight
Samantha Cannon and Family
Gloria Caulder
Bruce Compton (friend of Al Chapman and Jeff Bradshaw)
Diana Diaz and Family
George Eleazer
Jennie Ellisor
Rafe Ellisor (friend of Jeff Bradshaw)
Sawyer Frost (Vince and Anna Fansler’s grandson)
Marcie Gambrell
Sally Grooms (Jeff Bradshaw’s aunt)
Wanda Hein (friend of Jeff Bradshaw)
Rhonda Holloman (Former St. John’s Administrative Assistant)
Curtis Howard
Gary Hydrick (Samsons’ friend)
Joe Kenick
Connie Lindler (Glenn’s relative)
Kathy Lindler
Rick Lindler (Barbara’s cousin)
Zane Lindler (Glenn Lindler’s brother)
Kay Miller (Friend of the Bradshaws)
Colt Protheroe
Delores Richardson (Norma’s sister)
Claude Saddler
Judy Saddler
Carol Serlin
Beverly Shealy
LaRue Snyder
Thomas Starnes (friend of the Bradleys)
Marlene Taylor (Stephanie Bradley Sister)
Judy Truax
George and Lois Wolf (Former members)
Phoenix, Jackson and Their Mom

The Family & Friends of Bill Schumpert (Eleanor Bradley’s Fiancé)

The Family & Friends of Jaydin Burnside (The Late Arvid Carlson’s Great Nephew)

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton
Bishop Ginny Aebischer and Staff
Pastor Michele Fischer

In Our Armed Forces
Connor Truax (US Army)