Prayer List

In Our Prayers

Richard Ayer (father of a friend of Glenn Lindler)
Joy Bodnar (sister of Anita Kesler)
Michelle Boland (Daughter of Ray and Marcelle Boland and Friend of Amanda Matthews)
Ernestine Bouknight
Samantha Cannon and Family
Gloria Caulder
Bruce Compton (friend of Al Chapman and Jeff Bradshaw)
Diana Diaz and Family
George Eleazer
Jennie Ellisor
Rafe Ellisor (friend of Jeff Bradshaw)
Sawyer Frost (Vince and Anna Fansler’s grandson)
Marcie Gambrell
Sally Grooms (Jeff Bradshaw’s aunt)
Wanda Hein (friend of Jeff Bradshaw)
Rhonda Holloman (Former St. John’s Administrative Assistant)
Curtis Howard
Gary Hydrick (Samsons’ friend)
Joe Kenick
Connie Lindler (Glenn’s relative)
Kathy Lindler
Rick Lindler (Barbara’s cousin)
Zane Lindler (Glenn Lindler’s brother)
Kay Miller (Friend of the Bradshaws)
Colt Protheroe
Delores Richardson (Norma’s sister)
Claude Saddler
Judy Saddler
Carol Serlin
Beverly Shealy
LaRue Snyder
Thomas Starnes (friend of the Bradleys)
Marlene Taylor (Stephanie Bradley Sister)
Judy Truax
George and Lois Wolf (Former members)
Phoenix, Jackson and Their Mom

The Family & Friends of Bill Schumpert (Eleanor Bradley’s Fiancé)

The Family & Friends of Jaydin Burnside (The Late Arvid Carlson’s Great Nephew)

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton
Bishop Ginny Aebischer and Staff
Pastor Michele Fischer

In Our Armed Forces
Connor Truax (US Army)