
Many thanks to all those people who made the outdoor services a success. There were many but I’d like to point out: Don who played for us in a very different way than he is used to and had everything set up by the time I got here; Dupre who loaned us the keyboard and sound system and assisted in moving the keyboard; all those others who helped in getting all the “stuff” back in; and all of you who showed up each and every Sunday.

Next Sunday, we will move back in the sanctuary for our service. We will continue to reach our members who may feel safer at home and to all others outside our community via Face-book live.

If you know of anyone who would like Holy Communion in their homes, please contact Pastor John.

Remember the LMM Fish Fry on October 15 between 4 and 7 pm in our parking lot. Should you desire, you can prepay by going to our website and clicking on give. George Eleazer will be making his famous catfish stew.

We need volunteers for Altar flowers October 19 through November 22. You may sign up on the flower chart in the narthex.

Should you notice anyone on our prayer list that should be taken off (although we all need prayer) please let Pastor John know. Thank you!