Announcements for 3/14

During this Lenten season, we will emphasize our prayer life and the power of prayer. Each week we will emphasize various groups of God’s children.

We continue to respond to the needs of our neighbors with food and clothing. A box has been placed in the Narthex for you to place your gifts of nonperishable food items, or gently used clothing, placement of your donations of food and monetary donations. All of your donations will be further distributed through Sharing God’s Love.

We continue to provide worship in the sanctuary and ask that you please observe the social distancing guidelines and wear your mask. Should you not have one, it will be provided for you. We continue to reach our members who may feel safer at home and to all others outside our community via Facebook live.

On Good Friday, April 2, our LMM will have a community Fish Fry in conjunction with our Good Friday Service. This will be a unique way of observing the death of our Savior, Jesus.

Our regularly scheduled council meeting is following our worship service today.

Mrs. Eleanor Bradley and family would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and other acts of kindness during Bill’s illness and passing. Your prayers and words were greatly appreciated.

Quote of the week:
Prayer is not a way of getting what we want, but the way to become what God wants us to be.

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