Announcements for 3/21

Today our Noisy Offering will go to Sharing God’s Love. We continue to respond to the needs of our neighbors with our donations of money, food, and clothing. A box has been placed in the Narthex for you to place your gifts of nonperishable food items, or gently used clothing. All of your donations will be further distributed through Sharing God’s Love.

We continue to provide worship in the sanctuary and ask that you please observe the social distancing guidelines and wear your mask. Should you not have one, it will be provided for you. We also continue to reach our mem-bers and those who wish to participate in the life and ministry of our congregation either in-side our community or in far-away places. We welcome those who are not able to be here in person through Facebook.

On Good Friday, April 2, our LMM will have a community Fish Fry in conjunction with our Maundy Thursday/Good Friday Service. This will be a unique way of observing the death of our Savior, Jesus.

We will have our Easter Service this year at 10:00. We will not have a Sunrise Service or breakfast.

With the popularity of online worship, Council has been looking into investing in a sound system for an improved online experience. Web pages for other local churches have been viewed and the churches consulted for how they accomplished their online service broadcasts. The company which installed a local church’s system, Sound & Images, has given us a proposal to do this work. With funding which has already been identified, the balance which needs to be donated or otherwise identified from current funds is approximately $10,000. Congregational approval is needed to implement the project, so a congregational meeting is scheduled for April 11. Please make every effort to attend this important meeting.

Quote of the week:
He who cannot pray when the sun shines will not know how to pray when the clouds come.

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