Announcements for 6/6

The flowers are dedicated to the glory of God and in support of all cancer patients, that we may remember them in our prayers.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers last week after spending some time at the hospital with kidney stones.

Devotional Booklets are in the Narthex and in the SS/Office Building. Pick yours up today!

We continue to reach out to our members who are not able to be here and to those others who wish to participate in the life and ministry of our congregation either inside our community or in far-away places. We welcome everyone here and through Facebook.

Even though it’s getting warmer, there are many who still need assistance with food and clothing. Please respond with nonperishable food items and/or gently used clothing. All of your donations will be distributed through Sharing God’s Love.

The pastor needs some help attaching some plywood for the installation of two monitors for the video/sound system. Please let him know if you are willing to help.

Quote of the week: The church is a hospital for sinners—not a club for Christians

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