Announcements for August 8
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Mr. Arvid Carlson.
Thank you so much for the cookbooks and kitchenware. We took them up on Monday and overwhelmed them with the number! The women were very appreciative. It is always an emotional trip.
If anyone is interested in joining a bowling league, please contact Pastor John. This is a mixed league and will bowl at the new Stars and Strikes bowling center in Irmo on Lake Murray Blvd.
Please don’t forget the needy that depend on Sharing God’s Love for food. There are many who still need food staples: canned vegetables and soups, pasta, and the like. Please place your donation in the box in the Narthex.
Quote of the week:
“To be aware of a single shortcoming in oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in someone else.” -Dalai Lama
Serving this week:
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Serving next week:
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Daily readings for this week:
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Readings for next Sunday:
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