Announcements for August 15
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of those receiving Holy Baptism today: Jayden, Alaina, and Gabe by Ann Carlson.
Jan and Sam Samson are hosting a youth pool party this afternoon at 1:00. Please bring your towel.
Church Council voted to move our Worship Service to 10:00 AM beginning September 5. Please mark this on your calendar!
Because we had so many of our door locks and keys that didn’t work properly, Church Council voted to replace the locking mechanism and new keys. We have a list of people who have keys and are trying to distribute them. If you need one, please see Pastor John.
As of this time, Generations will be meeting for lunch at 11:00 Tuesday, August 17.
Please don’t forget the needy that depend on Sharing God’s Mission for food. There are many who still need food staples: canned vegetables and soups, pasta, and the like. Please place your donation in the box in the Narthex.
Quote of the week:
You will be happier if you give a piece of your heart instead of a piece of your mind to those who oppose you.
Serving this week:
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Serving next week:
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Daily readings for this week:
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Readings for next Sunday:
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