Announcements for August 29
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of the Marines and Navy medic who lost their lives in Afghanistan this week by Kathy and Glenn Lindler.
Remember Worship Service will begin at 10:00 next Sunday!
We are still collecting money through our Noisy Offering for the people of Haiti. If you weren’t able to contribute last Sunday (and you were very generous last Sunday), now is your opportunity. On August 14, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit Haiti. At least 2,000 people have been killed with widespread destruction. We can support the Haitians through Lutheran World Relief. Thank you for your most generous offerings!
Please don’t forget the needy that depend on Sharing God’s Mission for food. There are many who still need food staples: canned vegetables and soups, pasta, and the like. Please place your donation in the box in the Narthex.
Lutheran Men in Mission will meet at 6:30 on September 13th. Charles Eleazer will have a guest from SCDOT to tell what all’s going on around us with all the highway construction. Al Chapman will prepare supper for us. This should be a very interesting meeting.
Quote of the week:
We never hear anything about the resolutions of the apostles, but a great deal about the Acts of the Apostles.
Serving this week:
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Serving next week:
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Daily readings for this week:
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Readings for next Sunday:
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