Announcements for March 19


Welcome to St. John’s Lutheran Church!

This Sunday we welcome Deacon Sarah Bowers as our preacher and presider.

Pastor Tammy Grey from Shady Grove Methodist Church will be providing emergency coverage while Pastor mark is on vacation. Please contact Jan Samson at 803.920.5755 if you have a pastoral emergency.

There will be no Bible Study this week.

We need readers for a dramatic reading of the Passion of our Lord according to Matthew on Palm/Passion Sunday. If you would like to participate by reading one of the biblical characters, please contact Pastor Mark. Thank you!
The Lutheran Men of Pomaria Lutheran have invited the men of St. John’s to join them for their monthly Bible and Biscuit program, held at Dan Wiggers’ home at 8:00 am on the first Tuesday of every month. The program consists of about 1/2 of fellowship with coffee, various juices and sausage biscuits provided, and 1/2 hour of study of the upcoming Sunday scripture passages. If you plan to attend please respond to Dan at so he knows how much coffee and biscuits to make.

Readings for next Sunday

Next Sunday's Readings

Ezekiel 37: 1-14

Psalm 130

Romans 8:6-11

John 11:1-45

Serving this week

Serving on March 19

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Worship Leader

Deacon Sarah Bowers


Don Alcorn


No flowers during Lent

Altar Guild (Purple paraments)

Bonita Chapman

Church Cleaning

Jimmy Snyder


Howard Henry and Jimmy Snyder

Children's Church

Hedda and John-Mark Bell


Emma Gambrell

Communion Assistant

Jan Samson

Serving next week

Serving on April 2

Palm/Passion Sunday

Worship Leader

Pastor Mark Buchan


Don Alcorn


No Flowers During Lent

Altar Guild (purple paraments)

Jan Samson

Church Cleaning

Jan Samson


John-Mark Bell and Jeff Bradshaw

Children's Church

Denise Henry


Special Reading

Communion Assistant

Lynn Martin

What’s Happening at St. John’s

Sunday, March 19

Fourth Sunday of Lent

9:30 am


9:30 am


10:00 am

Lenten Study

11:00 am

Worship Service w/Noisy Offering

Wednesday March 22

No Bible Study

Sunday, March 26

Fifth Sunday of Lent

9:30 am


10:00 am

Lenten Study

11:00 am

Worship Service