Announcements May 19

The flowers on the altar today are dedicated to the glory of God and in honor of Emma Gambrell on her Confirmation by Don Alcorn.


SAVE THE DATE:  Pomaria Lutheran Church invites you to join them for the annual community picnic on June 1st from 11 am to 1 pm. More details coming soon.

Please join us for a youth spaghetti fundraising dinner at 5 pm on Sunday, June 2nd in the fellowship hall.  You will be waited on by youth attending the Kairos Confirmation program at Lutheridge June 16th -21st.

Two volunteers are needed to attend the 2024 synod assembly on June 8th. It is a virtual assembly which means you can participate from your most comfortable chair in your pajamas! Please contact Pastor Michele or Don if you are interested in attending.

During May, Pastor Michele will be calling to make appointments for afternoon visits in May. If you would like to get on her schedule early or decline a visit at this time, please text  or call her at 803-567-1972.

Vacation Bible School will be held Monday June 3 through Thursday June 6, from 6:30-8:00 pm. Classes are available for elementary students, with leadership opportunities for middle and high school students. Invite a friend and plan to join us!


Children’s Church is being suspended for the summer. There will be activity pages for children in the narthex each week.


The youth of St. John’s need your cans!
Aluminum, steal or tin, we will take them and recycle them for cash for the St. John’s Youth.

Please remove ALL paper labels from your items before recycling.

Readings for next Sunday
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Serving this week

Serving on May 19

Day of Pentecost

Worship Leader

Pastor Michele Fischer


Kathy Hendrix


Don Alcorn

Altar Guild white)

Julainne Kleckley

Church Cleaning

John & Brittany Moore


Charles Eleazer and Steve Kesler

Children's Church


Howard Henry

Communion Assistant

Howard Henry

Serving next week
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What’s Happening at St. John’s
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