Announcements for August 18
Today the altar flowers are dedicated by Howard and Denise Henry to all of the volunteers that make our church go round and round.
The noisy offering collected today will be given to Family Vision Ministries, a church led by Pastors Sam and Paula Perry who are our neighbors at the corner of Saint Johns and Kennerly Roads. The funds will assist them in repairing or replacing their church‘s heat pump.
Training for those who recently joined the Altar Guild team will be conducted after the worship service today. May you be blessed for serving on the Altar Guild. Caring for the altar is a way to build a closer relationship with God.
School has started and as such our Faith Formation programs need to start up again. Making sure our children have a solid foundation in our Lutheran tradition and our biblical understanding is important. So, what is the best way to proceed this fall?
We’ll have a pizza party/planning meeting tonight, August 18th at 5:00 pm for all those interested in the faith formation of our young people including: Confirmation, Mini-VBS, Children’s Church, forming a Youth Group and an Introduction to Bible Class.
Dr. Russell Kleckley continues to lead a review of the ELCA social statement on Human Sexuality. Breakfast is served prior to the discussion, which begins at 10:00 A.M. Please join us in the fellowship hall.
Thanks to all the volunteers who assisted with the Adopt-A-Highway trash pick up yesterday.
Next Sunday's Readings |
Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 |
Psalm 15 |
James 1:17-27 |
Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 |
Serving on August 18 | 13th Sunday after Pentecost |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Don Alcorn |
Altar Guild (green) | Julianne Kleckley |
Lector | Howard Henry |
Communion Assistant | Howard Henry |
Ushers/Greeters | Howard Henry and Charles Eleazer |
Church Cleaning | Jim and Bonnie Stevens |
Serving on August 25 |
14th Sunday after Pentecost |
Worship Leader |
Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist |
Don Alcorn |
Altar Guild (green) |
Nancy Bradshaw |
Lector |
Emma Gambrell |
Communion Assistant |
Charles Eleazer |
Ushers/Greeters |
Howard Henry and Charles Eleazer |
Church Cleaning |
Jim and Bonnie Stevens |
What's Happening at St. John's | |
Sunday, March 9 | First Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service |
12:30 pm | Congregation Council |
4:00 pm | Youth Group |
Monday, March 10 | |
6:30 pm | LMM Quarterly meeting |
Wednesday, March 12 | |
10:30 pm | Bible Study |
4:00 pm | Lenten Service |
Sunday, March 16 | Second Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service with Noisy Offering |