Announcements for September 1
Altar Flowers
Today the altar flowers are given by Steve Kesler to the Glory of God and in honor of Dr. Russell Kleckley for sharing his enlightened Biblical understanding with us at Break Fast on Sunday mornings.
Break Fast
Today Dr. Russell Kleckley will lead us in an introduction to the Gospel of John.
This morning Ravi Victor Ortiz, the newborn son of Romita and Victor, will be welcomed into the family of God via the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. There will be a reception following the worship service.
Youth Group
The St. John’s Youth Group will have its first meeting on Sunday, September 8th at 4 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Those in grades 6-12 are invited to come. Youth Group will meet once a month on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
The first confirmation class for the fall will be September 15th at 4 pm. Those returning for their second year should bring their Bibles to class. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Fall classes will be held on the first and third Sundays at 4 pm through December.
Sunday School
If we can find someone to teach grades k-5, we will be able to offer a class on the same nights that confirmation class is meeting. Please speak with Jan Samson or Pastor Michele if you would be interested in teaching.
“God’s work. Our Hands” Day of Service
St. John’s and Pomaria Lutheran Churches are assembling blankets for the Linus Project and “Cleaning Buckets” for Lutheran Disaster Response. Completed items will be blessed at our joint worship service, which begins at 10:00 am, on September 29 at Pomaria.
Readings for Next Sunday |
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 |
Psalm 27 (5) |
Philippians 3:17—4:1 |
Luke 13:31-35 |
Serving on September 1 | 15th Sunday after Pentecost |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Kathy Hendrix |
Flowers | Steve Kesler |
Altar Guild (green) | Bonnie Stevens |
Lector | Steve Kesler |
Communion Assistant | Steve Kesler |
Ushers/Greeters | Steve Kesler and George Eleazer |
Church Cleaning | Steve and Gabe Kesler |
Serving on September 8 | 16th Sunday after Pentecost |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Don Alcorn |
Altar Guild (green) | Nancy Bradshaw |
Lector | Denise Henry |
Communion Assistant | Howard Henry |
Ushers/Greeters | Steve Kesler and George Eleazer |
Church Cleaning | Steve and Gabe Kesler |
What's Happening at St. John's | |
Sunday, March 9 | First Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service |
12:30 pm | Congregation Council |
4:00 pm | Youth Group |
Monday, March 10 | |
6:30 pm | LMM Quarterly meeting |
Wednesday, March 12 | |
10:30 pm | Bible Study |
4:00 pm | Lenten Service |
Sunday, March 16 | Second Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service with Noisy Offering |