Announcements for December 15

Break Fast and Bible Study
Dr. Russell Kleckley is leading a review of the Old Testament during Bible study following breakfast.

Noisy Offering
The noisy offering collected today will be donated to the Families Helping Families holiday assistance program, which is a partnership between the non-profit Palmetto Project and WIS-News 10. Cash contributions ensure that all applicant families receive gifts.

Christmas Program and Dinner
The annual Christmas program and covered dish dinner will be held this evening at 5 P.M. Please bring your favorite covered dish to share at the dinner following the program.

If you would like to donate poinsettias for Christmas, please bring them in by December 22, the Fourth Sunday in Advent. Please leave a note with your flowers with the dedication and your name so we can print that in the Christmas Eve worship folder.

Prayer List
The prayer list will be refreshed on January 1. Please send an email to the church email at or place a note in the offering plate to keep someone on the list beginning January 1 or to add someone else. Also include an address for the person you are asking us to pray for so we can send them a card letting them know we are praying for them.

Readings for Next Sunday

1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26

Psalm 148

Colossians 3:12-17

Luke 2:41-52

Serving on December 15

Third Sunday in Advent

Worship Leader

Pastor Michele Fischer


Don Alcorn


No flowers during Advent

Altar Guild (blue)

Bonnie Stevens


Steve Kesler

Communion Assistant

Steve Kesler


Charles Eleazer and Doug Truax

Church Cleaning

Jan Samson

Serving on December 22

Fourth Sunday in Advent

Worship Leader

Pastor Michele Fischer


Don Alcorn


No flowers during Advent

Altar Guild (blue)

Julianne Kleckley


Jan Samson

Communion Assistant

Jan Samson


Charles Eleazer and Doug Truax

Church Cleaning

Jan Samson

What's Happening at St. John's

Sunday, December 22

Fourth Sunday in Advent

9:30 am

Break Fast

10:00 am

Bible Study

11:00 am

Worship Service

Tuesday, December 24

5:30 pm

Christmas Eve worship service

Sunday, December 29

First Sunday of Christmas

9:30 am

Break Fast

10:00 am

Bible Study

11:00 am

Worship Service