Announcements for December 22
Break Fast and Bible Study
Dr. Russell Kleckley is leading a review of the Old Testament during Bible study following breakfast.
Prayer List
The prayer list will be refreshed on January 1. Please send an email to the church email at or place a note in the offering plate to keep someone on the list beginning January 1 or to add someone else. Also include an address for the person you are asking us to pray for so we can send them a card letting them know we are praying for them.
Readings for Next Sunday |
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 |
Psalm 27 (5) |
Philippians 3:17—4:1 |
Luke 13:31-35 |
Serving on December 22 | Fourth Sunday in Advent |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Don Alcorn |
Flowers | No flowers during Advent |
Altar Guild (blue) | Julianne Kleckley |
Lector | Jan Samson |
Communion Assistant | Jan Samson |
Ushers/Greeters | Charles Eleazer and Doug Truax |
Church Cleaning | Jan Samson |
Serving on December 24 | Christmas Eve |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Don Alcorn |
Flowers | Judy Hrinda |
Altar Guild (white) | Nancy Bradshaw |
Lector | Emma Gambrell |
Communion Assistant | Charles Eleazer |
Ushers/Greeters | Charles Eleazer and Doug Truax |
Church Cleaning | Jan Samson |
Serving on December 29 | First Sunday of Christmas |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Don Alcorn |
Altar Guild (white) | Jan Samson |
Lector | Judy Hrinda |
Communion Assistant | Jan Samson |
Ushers/Greeters | Charles Eleazer and Doug Truax |
Church Cleaning | Jan Samson |
What's Happening at St. John's | |
Sunday, March 9 | First Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service |
12:30 pm | Congregation Council |
4:00 pm | Youth Group |
Monday, March 10 | |
6:30 pm | LMM Quarterly meeting |
Wednesday, March 12 | |
10:30 pm | Bible Study |
4:00 pm | Lenten Service |
Sunday, March 16 | Second Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service with Noisy Offering |