Announcements for January 12, 2025
Altar Flowers
Today the altar flowers, given by Ann Carlson to the Glory of God, are dedicated to the faithful workers who beautified our sanctuary and fellowship hall for Advent and Christmas.
Break Fast and Bible Study
Dr. Russell Kleckley will continue leading us in a review of the Old Testament.
Prayer List
The prayer list was refreshed. Please send an email to the church email at or place a note in the offering plate to add someone to the list. Also include an address for the person you are asking us to pray for so we can send them a card letting them know we are praying for them.
Council Retreat
On Saturday, January 18, 2025, Council will meet at the church from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. to discuss the following:
• Goals for 2025
• Council covenant
• Property priorities
Youth Group
The Youth Group, which is for all in grades 6-12, meets tonight as well as the 2nd Sunday of each month at 4 P.M. Tonight they will finalize the paint color for the youth room.
Volunteer Opportunities
We need volunteers to help paint the youth room on Jan. 20th and a few people to help prep the room(s) on either Jan. 17, 18 or 19. We will spray paint some furniture and paint at least one room, maybe two, depending on volunteers. Please let pastor Michele know by Jan. 17 if you can help.
Flower and Cleaning Charts – 2025
The flower and cleaning charts for 2025 are posted in the narthex. Please select the dates when you would like to take advantage of these opportunities to serve.
Readings for Next Sunday |
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 |
Psalm 27 (5) |
Philippians 3:17—4:1 |
Luke 13:31-35 |
Serving on January 12 | First Sunday After Epiphany |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Don Alcorn |
Altar Guild (white) | Julianne Kleckly |
Lector | Emma Gambrell |
Communion Assistant | Charles Eleazer |
Ushers/Greeters | George Eleazer and Steve Kesler |
Church Cleaning | Tim and Nancy Bradshaw |
Serving on January 19 | Second Sunday after Epiphany |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Don Alcorn |
Altar Guild (green) | Bonnie Stevens |
Lector | Steve Kesler |
Communion Assistant | Steve Kesler |
Ushers/Greeters | George Eleazer and Steve Kesler |
Church Cleaning | Tim and Nancy Bradshaw |
What's Happening at St. John's | |
Sunday, March 9 | First Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service |
12:30 pm | Congregation Council |
4:00 pm | Youth Group |
Monday, March 10 | |
6:30 pm | LMM Quarterly meeting |
Wednesday, March 12 | |
10:30 pm | Bible Study |
4:00 pm | Lenten Service |
Sunday, March 16 | Second Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service with Noisy Offering |