Announcements for January 26 2025

Altar Flowers
Today the altar flowers are given by Lynn Martin to the Glory of God and in honor of the youth and the youth leaders.

Faith Formation for Youth
Both the Confirmation class and the Sunday School class for elementary school students are held on the 1st and 4th Sundays from 4 P.M. – 5 P.M. Therefore, the students will meet today and next Sunday, February 2. The Sunday School class for elementary school students uses LEGO® bricks to help teach the children the basic Bible stories.

On Thursday, February 6, when Lexington-Richland 5 has early release for elementary and intermediate schools, St. John’s will offer a “Mini-VBS” from noon until 4 P.M. The children will be given lunch, and we will offer activities planned around a central theme for the day. We will need a few volunteers to help on these days from 11:30 A.M. until 4 P.M.

Flower and Cleaning Charts
The flower and cleaning charts for 2025 are posted in the narthex. Please select the dates when you would like to take advantage of these opportunities to serve.

The first trash pickup of 2025 will be held on Saturday, February 8, at 9:00 am. Tim and Nancy Bradshaw have retired from leading this effort; if you are willing to be the Adopt-a-Highway coordinator, please let Pastor Michele know.

Readings for Next Sunday

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 

Psalm 27 (5)

Philippians 3:17—4:1

Luke 13:31-35

Serving on January 26

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Worship Leader

Pastor Michele Fischer


Don Alcorn

Altar Guild (green)

Lynn Martin


Emma Gambrell

Communion Assistant

Lynn Martin


George Eleazer and Steve Kesler

Church Cleaning

Tim and Nancy Bradshaw

Serving on February 2


Worship Leader

Pastor Michele Fischer


Don Alcorn

Altar Guild (white)

Jan Samson


Jan Samson

Communion Assistant

Jan Samson


Charles Eleazer and Doug Truax

Church Cleaning

Jim and Bonnie Stevens

What's Happening at St. John's

Sunday, March 9

First Sunday in Lent

9:30 am

Break Fast

10:00 am

Bible Study

11:00 am

Worship Service

12:30 pm

Congregation Council

4:00 pm

Youth Group

Monday, March 10

6:30 pm

LMM Quarterly meeting

Wednesday, March 12

10:30 pm

Bible Study

4:00 pm

Lenten Service

Sunday, March 16

Second Sunday in Lent

9:30 am

Break Fast

10:00 am

Bible Study

11:00 am

Worship Service with Noisy Offering