Announcements for March 2 2025
Break Fast
We will continue a discussion of recent events regarding Federal funding for Lutheran Services organizations.
Heartland LMM 1st Quarter Meeting
Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 7:00 P.M.
Mt. Horeb, Chapin
Speaker: Mr. Ed Muldrow
Program on Baseball Cards
Hamburger steak w/mushrooms/onions, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner rolls, tossed salad, variety of homemade desserts, and tea, water and coffee
Cost: $15.00 each
Please RSVP by February 23 to Earl Leitzsey at 803.924.0906 or email:
LMM Meeting
LMM will have their quarterly meeting on Monday, March 10, 2025 at 6:30 P.M. The menu is catfish stew. Sheriff Leon Lott and deputy Chris Lindler will be the guest speakers. All are welcome.
Church Cleaning for March
We need a volunteer or two to clean the buildings in March. The signup sheet is in the narthex.
Upcoming Dates
March 4 at 6:00 P.M. – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
March 5 at 5:30 P.M. – Ash Wednesday Service
Readings for Next Sunday |
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 |
Psalm 27 (5) |
Philippians 3:17—4:1 |
Luke 13:31-35 |
Serving on February 23 | Seventh Sunday after Epiphany |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Don Alcorn |
Altar Guild (green) | Lynn Martin |
Lector | Judy Hrinda |
Communion Assistant | Lynn Martin |
Ushers/Greeters | Charles Eleazer and Doug Truax |
Church Cleaning | Jim and Bonnie Stevens |
Serving on March 2 | Eighth Sunday after Epiphany |
Worship Leader | Pastor Michele Fischer |
Organist | Don Alcorn |
Altar Guild (white) | Julianne Kleckley |
Lector | Steve Kesler |
Communion Assistant | Steve Kesler |
Ushers/Greeters | George Eleazer and Steve Kesler |
Church Cleaning | Volunteer needed |
What's Happening at St. John's | |
Sunday, March 9 | First Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service |
12:30 pm | Congregation Council |
4:00 pm | Youth Group |
Monday, March 10 | |
6:30 pm | LMM Quarterly meeting |
Wednesday, March 12 | |
10:30 pm | Bible Study |
4:00 pm | Lenten Service |
Sunday, March 16 | Second Sunday in Lent |
9:30 am | Break Fast |
10:00 am | Bible Study |
11:00 am | Worship Service with Noisy Offering |