Announcements for March 9 2025

LMM Meeting – Monday, March 10
LMM will have their quarterly meeting on Monday, March 10, 2025 at 6:30 P.M. The menu is catfish stew. Sheriff Leon Lott and deputy Chris Lindler will be the guest speakers. All are welcome, and donations of desserts are also welcome.

Lenten Services
St. John’s Lenten services will be on Wednesdays at 4:00 P.M. beginning on March 12 and continuing through April 9. We need readers to assist with the services.
If you are unable to attend services at 4:00 P.M., Pastor Michele will also be conducting services at Pomaria Lutheran Church at 7:00 P.M.

Dutch Fork Cluster Lenten Services
You are invited to attend the Dutch Fork Cluster Lenten services on Wednesday evenings with dinner at 6 P.M. and worship at 7 P.M. The host church will provide the meal.
“Perfect Love Casts Out Fear”
Date Host Church
03/12 Mt. Hermon, Peak
03/19 Mt. Olivet, Chapin
03/26 St. Michael, Columbia
04/02 St. Thomas, Chapin
04/09 Bethel, White Rock

Church Cleaning for March
We need a volunteer or two to clean the buildings in March.

Workday on March 29, 2025
Council has designated Saturday, March 29 as a workday with opportunities for volunteers to clean and perform minor repairs to our buildings and grounds. A list of suggested tasks has been developed. Volunteers may select one or more tasks in advance so that required supplies can be purchased prior to March 29.

Community Gathering in Peak
Bethlehem, Irmo and Mt. Hermon, Peak are hosting a community gathering in Peak on Saturday, March 15. Gathering will be at 11:30 A.M., brief worship at 11:45 A.M., and picnic at noon.
See flyer for additional information.

Readings for Next Sunday

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 

Psalm 27 (5)

Philippians 3:17—4:1

Luke 13:31-35

Serving on March 9

First Sunday in Lent

Worship Leader

Pastor Michele Fischer


Don Alcorn


No flowers during Lent

Altar Guild (purple)

Nancy Bradshaw


Donna Cook

Communion Assistant

Tim Bradshaw


George Eleazer and Steve Kesler

Church Cleaning

Volunteer needed

Serving on March 16

Third Sunday in Lent

Worship Leader

Pastor Michele Fischer


Don Alcorn


No flowers during Lent

Altar Guild (purple)

Lynn Martin


Emma Gambrell

Communion Assistant

Charles Eleazer


George Eleazer and Steve Kesler

Church Cleaning

Volunteer needed

What's Happening at St. John's

Sunday, March 9

First Sunday in Lent

9:30 am

Break Fast

10:00 am

Bible Study

11:00 am

Worship Service

12:30 pm

Congregation Council

4:00 pm

Youth Group

Monday, March 10

6:30 pm

LMM Quarterly meeting

Wednesday, March 12

10:30 pm

Bible Study

4:00 pm

Lenten Service

Sunday, March 16

Second Sunday in Lent

9:30 am

Break Fast

10:00 am

Bible Study

11:00 am

Worship Service with Noisy Offering