News from St. John's
Announcements for December 22
Break Fast and Bible Study Dr. Russell Kleckley is leading a review of the Old Testament during Bible study following breakfast. Prayer List The prayer list will be refreshed on January 1. Please send an email to the church email at or place a note in the offering plate to keep someone on the…
Read MoreAnnouncements for December 15
Break Fast and Bible Study Dr. Russell Kleckley is leading a review of the Old Testament during Bible study following breakfast. Noisy Offering The noisy offering collected today will be donated to the Families Helping Families holiday assistance program, which is a partnership between the non-profit Palmetto Project and WIS-News 10. Cash contributions ensure that…
Read MoreAnnouncements for December 8
Break Fast and Bible Study Dr. Russell Kleckley is leading a review of the Old Testament during Bible study following breakfast. Christmas Program The annual Christmas program and dinner will be held on December 15 at 5 P.M. The remaining practice will be held at 9:30 A.M. on December 14 (with dress rehearsal). Please contact…
Read MoreAnnouncements for December 1
Break Fast and Bible Study Dr. Russell Kleckley is leading a review of the Old Testament during Bible study following breakfast. Annual Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meeting will be held today immediately following the worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to approve a spending plan for 2025 and to elect Council members.…
Read MoreAnnouncements for November 24
Altar Flowers The altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of Pastor Michele’s first year of service to the Pomaria/St John’s Parish, by Sam and Jan Samson. Break Fast and Bible Study Dr. Russell Kleckley is leading a review of the Old Testament during Bible study following breakfast. Community Thanksgiving…
Read MoreAnnouncements for November 17
Altar Flowers The altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of those who work faithfully to carry St. John’s traditions and beliefs into the future by Jim and Bonnie Stevens. Break Fast and Bible Study Dr. Russell Kleckley continues to lead us in a review of the Gospel of John…
Read MoreAnnouncements for November 10
Break Fast and Bible Study Dr. Russell Kleckley continues to lead us in a review of the Gospel of John during Bible study following breakfast. Donation in Lieu of Altar Flowers In lieu of providing altar flowers today, Tim and Nancy Bradshaw are making a donation to the Robert Donald Alcorn scholarship fund at the…
Read MoreAnnouncements for November 3
Altar Flowers The altar flowers are dedicated to the glory of God and in memory of all the saints of St. John’s who now reside in heaven, by Sam and Jan Samson. All Saints Sunday Today is All Saints Sunday when we will remember in worship those who have died in the last year. Break…
Read MoreAnnouncements for October 27
Altar Flowers The altar flowers today are given to the glory of God and in honor of everyone who gave their time and talents to make a great Fish Fry by Don Alcorn. Planning Meeting for 2025 Please join us in the Fellowship Hall immediately following worship today to provide input for the spending plan…
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