News from St. John's
Announcements for September 1
Altar Flowers Today the altar flowers are given by Steve Kesler to the Glory of God and in honor of Dr. Russell Kleckley for sharing his enlightened Biblical understanding with us at Break Fast on Sunday mornings. Break Fast Today Dr. Russell Kleckley will lead us in an introduction to the Gospel of John. Baptism…
Read MoreAnnouncements for August 25
Altar Flowers Today the altar flowers are given to the Glory of God and in honor of the members of St. John’s by Glenn and Kathy Lindler. Break Fast Dr. Russell Kleckley will be leading us in a look at the Gospel of John. Baptism Next Sunday, Ravi Victor Ortiz, the newborn son of Romita…
Read MoreAnnouncements for August 18
Today the altar flowers are dedicated by Howard and Denise Henry to all of the volunteers that make our church go round and round. The noisy offering collected today will be given to Family Vision Ministries, a church led by Pastors Sam and Paula Perry who are our neighbors at the corner of Saint Johns…
Read MoreAnnouncements for August 11
Altar Flowers Today the altar flowers are given by Jimmy and LaRue Snyder to the glory of God and in honor of the August birthdays of Nicholas, Carlos, and Jimmy. Council Meeting Council will meet after the worship service today. History Committee Meeting The history committee will meet at noon on Wednesday, August 14th. Heartland…
Read MoreAnnouncements for August 4
Today the altar flowers are given by the Carlson family to glorify God in our peaceful worship space, and to remember Arvid, who planted many flowers and cared for St. John’s. May God bless students, parents, and teachers as they begin the new school year! Dr. Russell Kleckley will continue leading a review of the…
Read MoreAnnouncements for July 18
The flowers today are dedicated to the glory of God and in thanksgiving to my parents for the love of music, by Julia Richardson Parker. The Noisy Offering collected today will be donated to Sharing God’s Love for school supplies. Beginning on July 28, at 10:00 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall, Dr. Russell Kleckley will…
Read MoreAnnouncements for July 21
The altar flowers are dedicated to the glory of God and in memory and honor of all members of St. John’s, past and present, by Glenn and Kathy Lindler. We welcome the Rev. Dr. David Seymour who is preaching and presiding today. Pastor Michele’s return to the office has been delayed due to the illness…
Read MoreAnnouncements for July 14
The altar flowers are donated in honor of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren by Jan and Sam Samson. We welcome Pastor David Coffman who is preaching and presiding today. The Rev. Coffman is the campus pastor at Newberry College. Pastor Michele is on vacation through Sunday, July 21, 2024. She will return to the office…
Read MoreAnnouncements for July 7
Thank you to all the volunteers who made Homecoming a success last week and to all the volunteers who have been keeping the church grounds looking nice! Dr. Russell Kleckley is leading a review of ELCA social statements (teaching and policy documents) on Sunday mornings at 10:00 A.M. in the fellowship hall. Please join us!…
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