News from St. John's
Announcements for June 30
The altar flowers are given in Celebration of St. John’s Anniversary and in Honor of our friends from Pomaria Lutheran Church by Don Alcorn. Today we are celebrating Homecoming and remembering the men and women who founded St. John’s Lutheran Church 110 years ago on July 4, 1914. We offer a warm welcome to the…
Read MoreAnnouncements for June 23
In lieu of altar flowers Howard and Denise Henry are making a donation in honor of Don Alcorn to the Robert Donald Alcorn Scholarship Fund at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (LTSS). Congratulations to Romita Rajasekaran and Victor Ortiz on the birth of their son, Ravi Victor Cruz on June 15. Bible study will be…
Read MoreAnnouncements June 16
The altar flowers are given in Honor of the children of Rev. Clarence and Floy Richardson for their major contribution to the new carillon by Don Alcorn. During worship today, the new carillon will be dedicated in memory of the Rev. Clarence and Mrs. Floy Richardson. The Noisy Offering collected today will benefit some Rock…
Read MoreAnnouncements June 9
The altar flowers are given by Ann Carlson in honor of June wedding anniversaries, present and past. During worship on June 16, the new Verdin Supreme Touch Digital Carillon System will be dedicated in memory of the Rev. Clarence and Mrs. Floy Richardson. Noisy Offering will be collected on June 16 and will benefit some…
Read MoreAnnouncements June 2
The altar flowers are given by Ann Carlson in honor of our youth and the families who support them along their faith journey. Please join us for a youth spaghetti fundraising dinner at 5 P.M. this evening in the fellowship hall. You will be waited on by youth attending camp at Lutheridge on June 16th…
Read MoreAnnouncements May 26
Please join us for a youth spaghetti fundraising dinner at 5 pm on Sunday, June 2nd in the fellowship hall. You will be waited on by youth attending the Kairos Confirmation program at Lutheridge June 16th -21st. Vacation Bible School will be held Monday June 3 through Thursday June 6, from 6:30-8:00 pm. Classes are…
Read MoreAnnouncements May 19
The flowers on the altar today are dedicated to the glory of God and in honor of Emma Gambrell on her Confirmation by Don Alcorn. SAVE THE DATE: Pomaria Lutheran Church invites you to join them for the annual community picnic on June 1st from 11 am to 1 pm. More details coming soon. Please…
Read MoreAnnouncements May 12
The flowers on the altar today are to the glory of God and in honor of all the Mothers on this Mothers Day by JudyHrinda. SAVE THE DATE: Pomaria Lutheran Church invites you to join them for the annual community picnic on June 1st from 11 am to 1 pm. More details coming soon. Please…
Read MoreAnnouncements May 5
The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God and for peace and reconciliation as we all continue His work at St. John’s by Jim and Bonnie Stevens SAVE THE DATE: Pomaria Lutheran Church invites you to join them for the annual community picnic on June 1st from 11 am to…
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