News from St. John's
Announcements July 30
Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God and in Honor of Bishop Ginny Aebischer for all she does for our Synod by Don Alcorn. The History Team is requesting pictures of St. John’s over the years to add to our upcoming “Story of St. John’s.” The booklet will be prepared for our…
Read MoreAnnouncements for July 23
Altar flowers are given to the glory of God, by Kathy Lindler Don’t forget to sign up for altar flowers. Please email your dedications. August 20th, and August 27 are currently open. Todays Noisy Offering will be donated to Lutheran Disaster Response to benefit flood victims in Ukraine. The History Team is…
Read MoreAnnouncements for July 16
Don’t forget to sign up for altar flowers. Please email your dedications. August 20th, and August 27 are currently open. The History Team is requesting pictures of St. John’s over the years to add to our upcoming “Story of St. John’s.” The booklet will be prepared for our 110th anniversary in 2024. Please contact…
Read MoreAnnouncements for July 9
Altar flowers are given by Ann Carlson to the glory of God, in honor of St. John’s 109 years of welcoming, worshiping, and witnessing. Don’t forget to sign up for altar flowers. Please email your dedications. August 20th, and August 27 are currently open. The History Team is requesting pictures of St. John’s…
Read MoreAnnouncements July 2
Altar flowers are given to the glory of God, in loving memory of Arvid Carlson by Ann Carlson. May the west wind fill his sails and the sun be ever rising. Don’t forget to sign up for altar flowers. Please email your dedications. August 20th, and August 27 are currently open. The History…
Read MoreAnnouncements June 25
The flowers are dedicated to the glory of God and in celebration of our 50th anniversary on June 30, by Sam and Jan Samson. Don’t forget to sign up for altar flowers. Please email your dedications. July 16th is currently open. The History Team is requesting pictures of St. John’s over the…
Read MoreAnnouncements June 18
The altar flowers are given by Judy Hrinda in honor of all Fathers worshipping at St. John’s today and in memory of her father, Willard Fallaw There will be no Bible study Wednesday. Don’t forget to sign up for altar flowers. Please email your dedications. July 16th is currently open. The History…
Read MoreAnnouncements June 11
The flowers on the altar today are dedicated to the Glory of God, and to all of the volunteers who continue give their time and talents to keep the church running and looking beautiful on the outside by Judy Truax Bible Study will be held this Wednesday, June 14th, at 10:30. In person or…
Read MoreAnnouncements for June 4
The flowers on the altar today are dedicated to the Glory of God, by Glenn and Kathy Lindler. Bible Study will be held this Wednesday, June 7th, at 10:30. In person or on Zoom. Contact the church office if you need access to the Zoom link. Don’t forget to sign up for altar…
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