Announcements for February 13

In lieu of Altar flowers, a donation has been made to the glory of God and Sharing God’s Love, and to honor those that work to make Children’s Church happen by Charles Eleazer.

Today is “Souper Bowl of Caring”. This campaign was started by Brad Smith a seminary intern at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia. The first year $7500 was raised from 22 area churches. Since then it has gone nationwide with over $170 million raised to feed the hungry.

We take part in this effort this Sunday with our donations through “Noisy Offering”. Your generous donations will go to Sharing God’s Love to help those who are hungry.

Last Sunday, we began with a group of nine people for our Break-Fast for Study Experience. This is an informal gathering where we have coffee and discuss scripture selections. Join us next Sunday for this discussion

Please pray for all of those on our prayer list. Our prayers are heard by the Master Healer and He brings peace, healing and consolation to all those who need His presence. While we all need prayer, if there are those on our prayer list that can be removed, please let Pastor John know.

Quote of the Week

“7Blessed are those who trust in the LORD,
  whose trust is the LORD.
 8They shall be like a tree planted by water,
  sending out its roots by the stream.
 It shall not fear when heat comes,
  and its leaves shall stay green; ”
– Jeremiah 17:7, 8

Serving this week:

Serving on February 13

Worship Leader

Rev. John C. Derrick


Don Alcorn


Steve Kesler

Altar Guild (green paraments)

Bonita Chapman

Church Cleaning

Bonita Chapman


George Eleazer, Doug Truax

Children's Church

Denise and Howard Henry


John-Mark Bell

Communion Assistant

John-Mark Bell

Serving next week:

Serving on February 20

Worship Leader

Rev. John C. Derrick


Don Alcorn


Charles Emerson

Altar Guild (green paraments)

Jan Samson

Church Cleaning

Bonita Chapman


George Eleazer, Doug Truax

Children's Church

Denise and Howard Henry


Tim Bradley

Communion Assistant

Tim Bradley

Daily readings for this week:

Weekday Readings 


1 Corinthians 5:6b-8


Revelation 12:1-12


Luke 24:1-12


Acts 5:12-16


Acts 5:17-26


Luke 24:36-40

Readings for next Sunday:

Next Sunday's Readings

Exodus 24:12-18

Psalm 2

2 Peter 1:16-21

Matthew 17:1-9