Announcements July 30

Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God and  in Honor of Bishop Ginny Aebischer for all she does for our Synod by Don Alcorn.


The History Team is requesting pictures of St. John’s over the years to add to our upcoming “Story of St. John’s.” The booklet will be prepared for our 110th anniversary in 2024. Please contact Judy Truax with any pictures.


Let us welcome and give thanks to Bishop Ginny Aebisher for leading our worship service today.

Emergency pastoral care duties will be provided by Pastor Tammy Grey from Shady Grove Methodist. Please contact Jan Samson for any emergencies. (803.920.5755)

Next Sunday, August 6, we will be joining Pomaria Lutheran Church in a joint service at Pomaria. The service begins at 9 am and there will be a meet and greet with light refreshments following the service. There will be no broadcast service available on that day.


There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for those who would like to carpool to Pomaria. Please sign up with your name, the number of people in your family who will be attending, and check whether you’d like to drive or ride (check both if you are fine doing either one).


Church Council will hold its July/August meeting on August 6 at 11 am, following the service and meet and greet at Pomaria.


St. John’s will host a joint service the following Sunday, August 13th. We will invite Pomaria members to join us for Break Fast at 9:30am followed by worship at 11:00am

Readings for next Sunday

Next Sunday's Readings

Isaiah 55:1-5

Psalm 145:8-9,14-21

Romans 9:1-5

Matthew 14:13-21

Serving this week

Serving on July 30

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Leader

Bishop Ginny Aebisher


Don Alcorn


Don Alcorn

Altar Guild (green paraments)

Jan Samson

Church Cleaning

Dee Every


John-Mark Bell and Howard Henry

Children's Church

Emma and Marcie Gambrell


Judy Hrinda

Communion Assistant

Lynn Martin

Serving next week

Serving on August 6

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Leader



Altar Guild (green paraments)

Church Cleaning


Children's Church


Communion Assistant

What’s Happening at St. John’s

Sunday, July 30

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

9:30 am

Break Fast

10:00 am

Bible Study

11:00 am

Worship Service 

August 3

No Bible Study

Sunday, August 6

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

9:30 am

Joint Service with Pomaria Lutheran

10:00 am

11:00 am