News from St. John's

Announcements for 3/28

Mar 26, 2021

Next Sunday, during our Easter Service, we will welcome Denise & Howard Henry as the newest members of St. John’s ELC. Anyone desiring to furnish Easter lilies for our Easter Service at 10:00 should have them here during the fish fry or early enough on Easter Sunday to have them placed in the Chancel area.…

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Announcements for 3/21

Mar 20, 2021

Today our Noisy Offering will go to Sharing God’s Love. We continue to respond to the needs of our neighbors with our donations of money, food, and clothing. A box has been placed in the Narthex for you to place your gifts of nonperishable food items, or gently used clothing. All of your donations will…

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Announcements for 3/14

Mar 12, 2021

During this Lenten season, we will emphasize our prayer life and the power of prayer. Each week we will emphasize various groups of God’s children. We continue to respond to the needs of our neighbors with food and clothing. A box has been placed in the Narthex for you to place your gifts of nonperishable…

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Announcements for 3/7

Mar 5, 2021

During this Lenten season, we will emphasize our prayer life and the power of prayer. Each week we will emphasize various groups of God’s children. Today and this week we pray especially for our church, our community, and our nation; doctors, nurses, technicians; our Christian brothers and sisters and those of different religions. We continue…

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Announcements for 2/28

Feb 27, 2021

During this Lenten season, we will emphasize our prayer life and the power of prayer. Each week we will emphasize various groups of God’s children. Today and this week we pray especially for our church, our community, and our nation; doctors, nurses, technicians; our Christian brothers and sisters and those of different religions. We continue…

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Announcements for 2/21

Feb 20, 2021

During this Lenten season, we will emphasize our prayer life and the power of prayer. Each week we will emphasize various groups of God’s children. Today and this week we pray especially for those who are cold wet and hungry; for first liners: EMT’s, firefighters, police, deputies; for those who are forgotten, so that they…

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Announcements for 2/14

Feb 13, 2021

Altar flowers are given by Don Alcorn to the glory of God and thanks for the time commitment of St. John’s Congregational Council. Our regularly scheduled council meeting will be held after worship service today. Our Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper will be February 16 beginning at 6:00. Eat in or take out. Our Ash Wednesday…

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Announcements for 2/7

Feb 5, 2021

Altar flowers are given by Jan Samson in honor of Fran Eleazer for all her work on St. John’s website. Our regularly scheduled council meeting will be next Sunday, February 14, right after worship service. Our Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper will be February 16 beginning at 6:00. Eat in or take out. Our Ash Wednesday…

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Announcements for 1-31

Jan 29, 2021

Altar flowers are given by Larue Snyder in honor of Hedda’s birthday on January 31 and in honor of Coleen’s birthday on February 1 and in honor of all first responders. We continue to respond to the needs of our neighbors with food and clothing. A box has been placed in the Narthex for you…

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