News from St. John's
Announcements for 6/27
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of Bobby & Patty’s 62nd wedding anniversary and to Peyton’s 21 birthday on June 28 by the Charles Eleazer family. St. John’s will celebrate its Homecoming next Sunday. This will be a very special day. We have a number of dedications that we…
Read MoreAnnouncements for 6/20
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of all the fathers on Father’s Day. St. John’s will celebrate its Homecoming on July 4, just two weeks away. This will be a very special day. We have a number of dedications that we will make including the new tempered glass window…
Read MoreAnnouncements for 6/13
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of Judy and Doug Truax by Denise and Howard Henry. Devotional Booklets are in the Narthex and in the SS/Office Building. Pick yours up today! Planning has begun for this year’s Vacation Bible School. It will be held the week of July 26,…
Read MoreAnnouncements for 6/6
The flowers are dedicated to the glory of God and in support of all cancer patients, that we may remember them in our prayers. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers last week after spending some time at the hospital with kidney stones. Devotional Booklets are in the Narthex and in the SS/Office Building.…
Read MoreAnnouncements for 5/30
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of all the fallen troops who have protected this country by Kathy and Glenn Lindler. Thanks to St. John’s LMM for a fantastic supper and entertainment Monday night. Thanks especially to Dupre for the meal, entertainment, and short speaker concerning a pilot project…
Read MoreAnnouncements for 5/23
Thanks to all the LMM members and a special thanks to Kenny Derrick (who has been labeled the “brains” behind it) for construction of the ramp at Arvid & Ann’s house. And thanks to Don Alcorn for bringing lunch. We are beginning a four-session course for First Communion for our youth. The time will be…
Read MoreAnnouncements for 5/16
A memorial service has been scheduled for Mr. Henry Duvall 1:00 Saturday May 22. We are beginning a four-session course for First Communion for our youth. Our LMM is constructing a ramp for use at the Carlson residence on Wednesday, the 19th. Thank you for your generous contributions towards the purchase and installation of the…
Read MoreAnnouncements for 5/9
A memorial service has been scheduled for Mr. Henry Duvall 1:00 Saturday May 22. Please remember to sign up for flowers on the chart in the Narthex. Should you desire, you can contribute toward the purchase and installation of the sound system. Should you want to do this as a memorial or an honorarium, please…
Read MoreAnnouncements for 5/2
Thank you, Howard, for sharing your talents with the church family last week — great job! A memorial service has been scheduled for Mrs. Ola MacKendree at 11:00 Saturday May 8. A memorial service has been scheduled for Mr. Henry Duvall at 1:00 Saturday May 22. Please remember to sign up for flowers on the…
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